Tuesday Ticker: Stellantis shuts down merger speculation; EV automakers continue to drop

Toronto, Ontario ⁠— In this weekly automotive economics report, Stellantis shuts down merger rumours, while EV stocks continue to slip, keeping up with the 2024-thus-far trend. Stellantis slices down rumours Stellantis chairman John Elkann has commented on press speculation that the automaker was considering a merger with French OEM Renault, saying there is “no plan […]

CCCR presents Time Study results at in-person event; video

Toronto, Ontario — At its recent in-person meeting, the Canadian Council of Collision Repairers (CCCR) highlighted findings from a Time Study initiated last fall, focusing on the administrative burdens within facilities and their effects on overall operations. “At the heart of this study, we wanted to open [our] eyes to see where the real value […]