Tuesday Ticker: Robotaxi beckons; Toyota takes over Daihatsu operations

Toronto, Ontario — In this weekly Tuesday Ticker, Tesla teases a “robotaxi” rollout, while Toyota claims the reins for its subsidiary’s operations outside Japan. Meanwhile, Unifor lets Ford know how it feels about its decision to delay EV production by two years. Robotaxi rollout Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that the company’s long-awaited autonomous […]

Blame Game: Alberta survey reveals that majority of Albertans support at-fault insurance system

Edmonton, Alberta — Fair Alberta Insurance Regulations (FAIR Alberta) recently surveyed Albertan drivers and revealed that the majority of drivers support the province’s current at-fault insurance system. Specifically, the survey, which was conducted between January 8 and 15, and consulted approximately 900 drivers aged 18 and older, found that 63 percent of respondents prefer the […]