Stand Up Speak Out: Implementing AI in collision centres

Toronto, Ontario — Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have the power to transform our daily lives as we know them. We’re not quite at the point where robots will be completing welds on the shop floor, but there are already plenty of ways you can use AI in collision centres. For operation’s sake; for customer connection; […]
Service Scramble: Service contracts to be considered as automobile insurance contracts in British Columbia, says BCFSA

Victoria, British Columbia — The British Columbia Financial Services Authority (BCFSA) has issued a Regulatory Statement to respecify what is considered a service contract versus insurance contract in the province. The Regulatory Statement is specifically titled as “Product Warranty, Vehicle Warranty, and Automobile Insurance,” and according to the new policy, under the statement, contracts that […]
Fast-tracking Trades: Ontario to allow high school students to take up to 80 percent of senior courses in trades-based co-op education

Toronto, Ontario — According to a recent Ontario government newsroom release, the provincial government is introducing a new policy and legislative measures to allow 80 percent of high school students’ senior courses to be in trades-based co-op education. The goal of the new policy is to help attract more young people to the trades by […]