Policy Problems: Profitability issues challenge Alberta insurers; authorities seek solutions

Edmonton, Alberta — The Alberta insurance market is facing significant challenges, leading to the withdrawal of several major auto insurance providers from the province. Earlier this month, Aviva Direct and Sonnet Insurance announced the groups will be ending available auto insurance services in Alberta by late 2024, following in the footsteps of Zenith Insurance’s exit […]
On the Green: 10th annual Matthew Salsa Memorial Golf Tournament set for Sept. 9, 2024; hosted by Fix Auto Iberville-Rosemont owner George Salsa

Terrebonne, Quebec — The 10th annual Matthew Salsa Memorial Golf Tournament will be hosted September 9, 2024, at the Club de Golf at Le Mirage in Terrebonne, Quebec, George Salsa, Quebec-based Fix Auto multi-shop owner and other event organizers have announced. This annual event honours the life and legacy of Matthew Salsa, a talented young […]
Reporting Resources: ASSI launches site for collision reporting from home in Ont., Alta., P.E.I.

Toronto, Ontario — Accident Support Services International Ltd (ASSI) has announced its “Start From Home” online service to allow citizens who have been involved in a collision to begin their own collision report. The service, which can be accessed through reportacollision.com, specifically allows citizens who have been involved in a collision that meets the threshold […]
Flooding Fixes: FSRA allowing licensed adjusting firms to use claims adjusters licensed outside of Ontario as response to recent Toronto flash-flooding

Toronto, Ontario — The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) has implemented temporary measures to allow claims adjusters to process insurance claims more quickly, following flash floods that affected the Toronto area last week. Specifically, the FSRA is temporarily allowing licensed adjusting firms to use claims adjusters licensed outside of Ontario. The FSRA is […]