The value of face-to-face communication By ALLISON ROGERS I could start with a thousand analogies about the pace of change in the collision industry, but we all know how quickly things move around here. It’s no secret collision centres have faced unprecedented challenges in the last few years. Parts shortages, labour woes, increased operating costs […]

GET BLITZED Ottawa Police Services (OPS) recently conducted a tow truck enforcement blitz across the city, where 40 tow truck were stopped, and 43 charges were laid. Officers were verifying compliance with the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act (TSSEA) and requested items like certification, required licenses to operate in Ontario, consent forms, run […]

ATLANTIC ADVANCEMENT On June 7 and June 8, automotive recycling industry members gathered at the Rodd Hotels and Resort Charlottetown in Charlottetown, P.E.I. for the Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada (ARAAC) annual meeting. During the two-day event—which saw 60 attendees—topics covered included green recycled parts, insurer-repairer-recycler relations, EVs and much more. Friday featured panel […]