Celestial Jade: Porsche creates specially pigmented paint for Taycan Turbo S

Toronto, Ontario — Porsche unveiled its exclusive Celestial Jade coating for the Taycan Turbo S last week, blending two Chromaflair effect paints in an elaborate development process that allegedly takes around 80 hours to apply. Chromaflair pigments contain thin flakes that appear to shift in colour depending on perspective. These flakes consist of an opaque, […]
Rebate Restrictions: Canada to eliminate federal rebates on Chinese-made electric vehicles

Ottawa, Ontario — The Canadian government has announced that alongside imposing a 100 percent tariff on Chinese made electric vehicles, it will also be eliminating the $5,000 federal rebate typically available for electric vehicles. In an announcement made earlier this month, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that beginning October 1, 2024, the government will […]
Extrication Exhilaration: Pfaff Autoworks hosts firefighter training to raise funds

Markham, Ontario — On September 14, Pfaff Autoworks in Markham, Ont. hosted a demonstration, teaching industry and community members alike how to safely extricate a vehicle in the event of a catastrophic accident. The event took place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with guests able to enjoy a variety of activities from demonstrations led […]
Celebrating Success: Simplicity Car Care’s 2024 Growth Conference wraps up by celebrating award winners

Montreal, Quebec — Simplicity Car Care’s 2024 Growth Conference wrapped up yesterday with as much energy as it started with, celebrating award recipients, goals for the future and strategies to remain innovative in a shifting market. The day once again began bright and early with a breakfast sponsored by CSI Hail Provider. Talks included a […]
Aviva Advisory: Insurer warns of ghost brokers in Canadian market

Toronto, Ontario — Aviva Canada is cautioning Canadians to beware of a ghost broker known as AllcoveredbyAviva or Allcoveredbrokers advertising on social media sites such as Facebook, claiming to be affiliated with Aviva and selling fake insurance, the insurer wrote last week in a release. “It has come to our attention that Canadians are being scammed by representatives of […]