An Olympic Opportunity: ATA Trade Show and Collision Olympics set to take place October 4, 2024

Winnipeg, Manitoba — Calling all Manitoba collision repairers: the Automotive Trades Association (ATA) Manitoba’s trade show and Collision Olympics is set to take place on October 4, 2024. The event—which is open to both industry and community members alike—will specifically take place at the Canadinns Polo Park from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., and will […]
Fraud Frenzy: Canadian auto fraud up 54 percent thanks to ID theft, fake credit applications, says Equifax Canada

Ottawa, Ontario — Identity theft and fake credit applications have caused Canadian auto fraud to surge 54 percent compared to a year ago, according to a recent report from Equifax Canada. Ontario is the province that has experienced the most significant increase in auto fraud, with rates doubling since Q2 2023, said Equifax. First-party fraud, […]
Big Picture: Day one of CIECA CONNEX focuses on AI, cybersecurity

Detroit, Michigan — The CIECA CONNEX Annual Conference is happening this week in Detroit, and Collision Repair magazine is on the ground to bring you the industry-leading insights shared at this week’s event. This year’s CONNEX theme is The Intersection of Data and Mobility, with topics in ADAS, autonomous vehicle technologies, EV and alternative fuel […]
Video Interview: Bill Brower emphasizes Solera’s commitment to sustainable claims

Toronto, Ontario — The automotive sector is in the midst of profound changes. With obstacles like electric vehicle integration, heightened repair complexities, and a wide range of emerging technologies, Bill Brower, who serves as the senior vice president for global industry relations and North American claims, predicts that the collision repair field will undergo more […]