CCCR presents Time Study results at in-person event; video

Toronto, Ontario — At its recent in-person meeting, the Canadian Council of Collision Repairers (CCCR) highlighted findings from a Time Study initiated last fall, focusing on the administrative burdens within facilities and their effects on overall operations.

“At the heart of this study, we wanted to open [our] eyes to see where the real value is, and where we need to make time for our businesses and bottom lines,” said Daniel Trevisanutto, general manger of Half-Way Motors and co-chair of the CCCR.

A number of CCCR shops volunteered for the study. The core of the study contained data from three small jobs, three medium jobs and three large jobs per shop.

Hours were broken down into six main categories: administrative, estimate, parts, repair planner, technician and detailer tasks.

“You can see how far these [categories] got broken down. The idea was, take each one of those [job] files and determine how many minutes you put into every single one of those operations.”

Administrative tasks, for example, were broken down into: recording customer info, opening repair order, process towing (in the case of non-driveables), book/update rental, update owner, update insurer, update manufacturer, deliver vehicle and submit invoice.

The Time Study also compared hours of administrative work versus $1,000 RO (repair order).

*CCCR also stressed that the Time Study was commissioned and conducted by the CCCR itself; the results are not audited and are meant to provide a general overview.

The CCCR intends for this study to serve as a starting point for understanding the value of time in their business. They hope to refine and expand on this project in the future.

“Let’s use it as a jumping point,” said Trevisanutto.

The post CCCR presents Time Study results at in-person event; video appeared first on Collision Repair Magazine.


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