Simplicity Car Care has announced the upcoming grand opening of its 100th shop in Canada in the form of a new Toronto South location. The new location will handle everything from routine maintenance to complex repairs. A press release further noted that the team has decades of experience in the industry and is dedicated to making car care straightforward and reliable for customers.“We are thrilled to celebrate this incredible milestone of opening our 100th Simplicity Car Care franchise location,” Domenic Ieraci, president of Simplicity Car Care, told Collision Repair. “This achievement is a testament to the dedication of our franchisees, the trust of our valued customers and the hard work of our entire team.”
The Women’s Industry Network (WIN) has announced the launch of the WIN in Canada through a new national campaign. In a recent social media post, the Women’s Industry Network outlined how the intention of this new initiative “is dedicated to enhancing the role of women in the collision repair industry through targeted personal and professional development.” The Women’s Industry Network’s mission is “to support and enhance the role of women in the collision repair industry, promoting education, professional advancement and networking.”
Auto Additive announced the formation of its advisory council during day one of the CIECA CONNEX conference, featuring leaders from across the industry focused on advancing 3D printing in collision repair. This global group will develop a roadmap for integrating 3D printing technology into repair processes, aiming to provide high-quality, OEM-compatible parts, tools and jigs to enhance efficiency and precision. With its focus on sustainability, Auto Additive has also joined the Additive Manufacturing Green Trade Association as it works through several environmental case studies related to using 3D printing in collision repair.
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