Agrément Delfleet® Essential – PPG Canada
This course familiarizes students with PPG’s Delfleet Essential coatings products and technologies. The class explains not only the products, but also how their use can be profitable and productive in customer environments.
Tri-Coat & Specialty Finishes – PPG Canada
Technical product training for PPG’s tri-coats, low-gloss finishes and translucent colours. Includes proper product and colour selection.
Renouvellement de l’agrément ENVIROBASE® Haute Performance – PPG Canada
This course will update technicians on any new products and techniques in the Evirobase High Performance Waterborne Refinish System. Completion will move a technician up to the next level of PPG Certified Technician status.
PPG Recertification – Envirobase HP – PPG Canada
This course will update technicians on any new products and techniques in the Evirobase High Performance Waterborne Refinish System. Completion will move a technician up to the next level of PPG Certified Technician status.
PPG Colour – Envirobase HP – PPG Canada
Designed for collision centre technicians who currently uses PPG products in their refinish operations. The theory of colour and its practical application in matching and tinting EHP refinish waterborne colours. The Envirobase High Performance waterborne colour system and its associated colour tools are described in depth. Hands-on exercises are designed to provide product and colour […]
PPG Certification – Envirobase HP – PPG Canada
As a core program of PPG Certification training, this program trains refinish technicians in personal safety, paint chemical and waterborne fundamentals, and repair procedures using PPG’s Envirobase High Performance waterborne base coat refinish system.
Nexa Recertification – Aquabase Plus – PPG Canada
This course will update technicians on any new products and techniques in the Aquabase Plus Waterborne Refinish System. Completion will move a technician up to the next level of PPG Certified Technician status.
Nexa Certification – Aquabase Plus – PPG Canada
A core program of PPG Certification training, this program trains refinish technicians in personal safety, paint chemical and waterborne fundamentals, and repair procedures using PPG’s Aquabase Plus waterborne base coat refinish system.
Finis tri-couches et spécialisés – PPG Canada
Technical product training for PPG’s tri-coats, low-gloss finishes and translucent colours. Includes proper product and colour selection.
Eye for Colour – Aquabase Plus – PPG Canada
Designed for collision centre technicians who currently uses Nexa products in their refinish operations. The theory of colour and its practical application in matching and tinting Aquabase Plus refinish waterborne colours. The Aquabase Plus waterborne colour system and its associated colour tools are described in depth. Hands-on exercises are designed to provide product and colour […]