PM130E01 Quality is Your Business – I-CAR

Verify technicians’ complete quality-control checklists using shop SOPs. Match parts invoices to the repair order invoice. Verify that customer requests are completed. Compare all repair orders, sublet work and supplemental. Discuss the importance of quality checks after the repair. Examine overall repair quality using shop SOPs.

PM125V01 Problem Solving for Workflow Changes – I-CAR

Assess workflow problems and evaluate work-in-progess for potential solutions. Determine technician workload. Determine staffing needs based on workflow problems and how to reassign technician work based on skill, OEM training and/ or availability. Manage workflow adjustments with outside vendors to ensure a smooth repair process. Demonstrate how to adjust delivery dates and adjust technician workload […]

PM120L01 Synchronizing Workflow through Team Communication – I-CAR

Recognize the tools needed to conduct review-and-release meetings with technicians. Understand the value of using and updating a computer management system. Identify the communication methods needed to properly share information with the team. Know the principles of conducting cycle time, quality and work-in-progess reviews. Implement awareness skills and identify roadblocks in production.

PM115E01 Workflow Essentials – I-CAR

Understand how supplements affect production, costs and staff by identifying missing items, time involved and repair or replace decisions for each job. Survey the shop floor using the quality control, roadblock, and parts status techniques taught in this course. Determine the facility capacity by using the big-picture approach. Identify the right technicians for the jobs […]

PM110V01 Matching the Repair to the Team – I-CAR

Identify staff capabilities and workload using a computer management system. Explain how to assign a job to an available technician or team. Perform estimate and vehicle reviews with assigned technician using shop SOPs. Communicate current job status using a computer management system. Identify available workflow availability by the technician/team using a computer management system.

PM105E01 Before the Repair Starts – I-CAR

Demonstrate job file review processes. Explain insurance needs (including DRP and non-DRP). Identify express jobs using a checklist of express-related items. Demonstrate mappingof a customer vehicle.

PM101E01 Learning Culture Overview – I-CAR

Understand the importance of the I-CAR study observations. Describe an Industrial Age mind set and how to identify it. Apply the principles of knowledge management. Understand the definition, key principles and benefits of a learning culture.

DAM13e Basic Electronics Damage Analysis – I-CAR

Identify the basic requirements for a circuit and understand how circuit values are measured. Understand other parts of a circuit. Recognize collision damage to wiring and the possibilities for repair. Identify the tools and steps required when troubleshooting an electrical circuit problem.