Welding Techniques – GEORGIAN COLLEGE

Students are provided with the theoretical and practical training to perform most basic welding techniques. At the completion of the program, students are eligible to test for welding tickets based on their level of expertise.

Automobile Mechanics – ACCESS CAREER CENTRE

Learn to perform preventive and corrective mechanic work; inspect vehicles with the goal of finding the cause of operating problems; perform repairs, replace parts and make adjustments in different vehicle systems; procedure for installing accessories and optional equipment; adhere to health, safety and environmental laws and regulations.

Welding Techniques – FLEMING COLLEGE

Curriculum has been aligned to the basic requirements for level 1 apprenticeship for welding fabrication. The program will introduce you to numerous welding processes and you will gain extensive hands-on experience on the most common processes used within the industry. These include: SMAW (shielded metal arc welding), GMAW (gas metal arc welding), FCAW (flux core […]

i4 Resistance Spot Welding & MIG Steel Welding – PRO SPOT INTERNATIONAL INC. TRAINING DIVISION

Squeeze-type resistance spot welding (STRSW) and metal inert gas (MIG) welding training and information for the automotive and light truck collision repair industry so that collision repair technicians, managers and shop owners can attain the necessary knowledge to safely perform STRSW and MIG welding repairs. Students who successfully complete this approved training will receive nine […]

Welder – Vermilion Campus – LAKELAND COLLEGE

Students will learn to use different processes depending upon the type of metal being fused. Often, they will work from a blueprint or work order to complete a project. Apprenticeship is three years with an eight-week technical training period per year.

Automotive Service Technician – COAST MOUNTAIN COLLEGE

Automotive Service Technicians repair, adjust and replace mechanical and electrical parts in automobiles and light trucks. They repair damaged components and perform preventative maintenance, inspect completed work and test that the vehicle’s performance meets required standards.