Pushing detailing into the future
The EDC program that 3D Products Canada is developing and bringing to many detailing, body shop and dealerships will help those that embrace their simplified systems with better, faster, repeatable results. Bryan Walroth and the rest of the 3D staff are using EDC to form better, stronger relationships in the various fields 3D Products Canada help support. “We believe educating our customers through training programs, enrollment and testing under the IDA [International Detailing Association] and partnership training programs are the future for creating a better detailing industry,” states Bryan.
Demonstration is easy for many at 3D as the sales staff have a track record of producing
high-quality results and showing their customers how do it, not by talking about it, but by showing them first-hand. “Our staff love showing customers how to get the best results using 3D’s industry-leading products, I know I do,” Bryan says as he shows the staff at Collision Repair iat 3D’s Vaughan, Ont., training facility.
Collaboration is simple: have an open mind and work with customers to help refine and fine tune 3D’s offerings to help all those who use the systems. “When working this long in the this industry, one can close their mind to others views and methods, but 3D Products Canada knows to keep an open mind, and that’s why we have some great relationships with some of the best in the detailing and body shop industry. If you’re not learning something new every day, it should feel like a wasted day.”
Whether your company is looking to get quality under control, help evaluate work flow or increase efficiency in the workplace 3D should be the first call anyone should make. 3D does not believe in a cookie-cutter, one system fits all approach. All though 3D’s systems are almost too easy to learn, it is important to understand the client’s goals and work closely to make those goals a reality.
Feel free to reach out to 3D Products Canada to help your business excel by phone 1-877-335- 5922 (toll-free); or by contacting Bryan directly by email bwalroth@3dproductscanada.com or 289-707-3541. You can also view many of 3D’s fantastic YouTube videos to help get great how-to tips on the great 3D products lineup.