The pandemic may have put a cap on in-person training sessions, but SATA Canada has made the best of this unprecedented situation by taking its product training sessions online.
While the pandemic certainly accelerated the company’s adoption of online webinars, SATA Canada was prepared to continue spreading product knowledge, while complying with social distancing measures. Armed with its Vaughan, Ontario headquarters and training centre, SATA Canada transformed its Toronto training centre into “webinar central”—to cater to its customers amid the pandemic, April Chadwick, marketing specialist for SATA Canada told Training Directory.
“We’re lucky to have a very large classroom that can fit about 50 people, where we’ve set up our ‘webinar central,’ with all of our products on display. We’re also connected to a fully functional repair centre with dual spray booths, where we typically host sessions,” said Chadwick.
Since launching its webinars alongside pandemic shutdowns, SATA Canada has hosted several sessions in its various realms of product knowledge, including breathing protection, filtration, proper spray gun use, features, cleaning and maintenance.
Unlike other webinars, SATA webinars have no set airing schedule. Instead, the company listens to its customer feedback and creates customized sessions when they are needed most.
“SATA webinars don’t follow your typical, ‘tune in at this time’, ‘at this date’, schedule,” Chadwick told Training Directory. “We listen to our customer input and cater each presentation to the handling requests we receive—it really is a custom webinar each time.”
Moreover, the sessions have been well attended, with companies like FinishMaster, Color Compass, NAPA, Belair, BASF, Axalta and PPG tuning in.
“It’s important to note the sessions are also available in French,” said Chadwick.
While the webinars have proved useful in these unprecedented times, SATA Canada continues to insist that in-person, hands-on training is still crucial when it comes to trying new painting tools.
“The webinars are a great way to generate interest, but there’s a hands-on segment to product learning,” said JP Kleniewski, SATA Canada business development specialist. “We’ve been able to reach a wider audience, which allows us to see which customers and shops would like to learn more and actually demo the product.”
“It’s been a bit of a slower process with the pandemic, but we’re thrilled to have the TDA certification,” said Chadwick.
Companies interested in setting up a training session with SATA can reach out to