Reflective Risks: Driver polishes Cybertruck to mirror-like finish, makes vehicle near-invisible

Toronto, Ontario — One Tesla Cybertruck owner, Tyson Garvin recently machine-polished his vehicle to a mirror-like finish, making it nearly invisible on the road.

In an act of unintentional camouflage, Garvin’s machine-polished Cybertruck reflects its environment so that he is essentially driving around with mirrors on his vehicle.

The polishing process needed to make the Cybertruck near-invisible reportedly took 120 hours to complete.

“It doesn’t have all the porous stainless steel that holds all the oil from your fingerprints,” Garvin originally told Business Insider. “When we ordered (the vehicle) on Tesla’s announcement day, I knew I was going to polish it that day.”

Despite the potential hazards of a mirror-like finish, Garvin further told Business Insider that thankfully, the vehicle’s tailgate points slightly downward so that other vehicles’ headlights don’t reflect perfectly across the Cybertruck.

Still, according to The Byte, many Reddit users have raised questions about the legality of driving a stainless steel disco ball.

The post Reflective Risks: Driver polishes Cybertruck to mirror-like finish, makes vehicle near-invisible appeared first on Collision Repair Magazine.


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