Freshly Squeezed Skills

SATA Canada hosts Tropicana students for refinishing training SATA Canada recently offered to host a four-day intensive automotive refinish introductory program for Tropicana’s graduating auto body pre-apprenticeship class. PPG Canada was kind enough to supply paint materials for the students. Well-known industry trainer Rob Hill showed the students the ropes at SATA Canada’s Vaughan, Ont. […]
Class in Session: Tropicana’s Pre-Apprenticeship program is now accepting applications

Toronto, Ontario — Tropicana Employment Centre is calling on youth between 18 to 30 years of age to enroll in its Auto Body and Collision Damage Repairer 310B Pre-Apprenticeship Program—set to begin Monday, April 6. Over the span of 30 weeks, this tuition-free course guides its members into receiving their Level 1 accreditation, acting as […]