Booked Up and Backlogged: Backlog of repair work in Canada even longer than U.S. reports Crash Network survey

Toronto, Ontario — According to a recent Crash Network survey of Canadian collision repair shops, the average scheduling backlog reported across the country is 6.6 weeks.

This average is specifically 2.6 weeks greater than comparative average numbers in the United States (U.S.), where scheduling backlog is only 4 weeks long.

Of the approximately 100 owners and managers surveyed across the country, only 11 percent of shops said they could schedule new work in two weeks or less.

Moreover, 36 percent of respondents reported scheduling eight weeks or more into the future—three times the percentage of the U.S.—and many more reported scheduling times that were even further out.

“It’s a minimum of 12 weeks for driveable, and non-driveable is 16 to 20 weeks,” said Curtis Larson, a shop owner in British Columbia.

“We’re booking for June now,” anonymously reported the owner of an independent shop in rural Ontario.

A third respondent from a mid-sized shop in B.C. concluded that “there are not enough shops or techs in the trade to repair the amount of damaged cars out there. Supply and demand has taken effect. We can pick and choose the jobs that we want or don’t want. We are taking the money makers and leaving the junk, the write-offs and the tow-ins for the insurance companies to deal with.”

The post Booked Up and Backlogged: Backlog of repair work in Canada even longer than U.S. reports Crash Network survey appeared first on Collision Repair Magazine.


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