By Allison Rogers
For most, school is a daily ritual in the early years of our lives. Six hours in a classroom, five days a week, absorbing every little bit of information like a sponge—or, at least, that’s the idea.
The average person lives that routine year after year and, for those who pursue further education, the number of years only grows. Learning may be empowering, but the combination of a young mind and a fixed routine can be a recipe for resentment. And if you’ve been in school your whole life, well, that can be a difficult routine to shatter upon leaving the education stream.
The world after school may seem scary, with everyone around yelling to get a job and make a name for yourself. But when you crack open a magazine that highlights young people and the waves they are making in their respective industries the world of careers seems a little less daunting and a lot more exciting.

The reality is that, whatever students may choose to believe, educators really do prepare you for the big, bad world out there. But it’s up to the student to use the information bestowed upon them to get a leg up in their careers—and that’s exactly what Canada’s automotive aftermarket inspires you to do.
It may be a scary world out there but, as long as you know how to utilize your passion and your training, you’re not unprepared. The early years of your life and education have led up to a career—all you have to do is go out there and take it.